Babybio Pomme Abricot d'Occitanie Banane
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90g
Babybio Pomme d'Aquitaine Fraise et Vanille
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90g
Babybio Céréales vanille avec Quinoa
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 220g
Babybio Crème Semoule Vanille
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 85g
Babybio Pot Au Feu De Boeuf D'aquitaine Au Laurier
Suitable for children of 12 months of age.
2 meals of 200g each
Babybio Patate Douce & Légumes Du Soleil
Suitable for children of 8 months of age.
2 portions of 200g each
Babybio Hachis Parmentier Avec Boeuf Fermier D'Aquitaine Et Du Limousin
Suitable for children of 8 months of age.
Weight: 190g
Babybio Pomme De Terre Du Val De Loire, Epinard, Saumon À L'Aneth
Suitable for children of 8 months of age.
2 portions of 200g each
Babybio Cocotte De Haricots Verts Du Val De Loire & Truite
Suitable for children of 12 months of age.
1 meals of 230g
Babybio Pomme Patate Douce
Babybio Pomme D'Aquitaine & Banane
Suitable for children of 4 months of age.
2 jars of 130g each
Babybio Poire de Provence Banane Millet
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90g
Babybio Pomme d'Aquitaine Orange Banane
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90g
Babybio Brassé Nature Sucré
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 85g
Babybio Petits Boudoirs À L'Huile Essentielle D' Orange Douce
Suitable for children of 8 months of age.
6 packs of 4 biscuits each
Babybio Pomme Poire Pêche D'occitanie
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90g
Babybio Kiwi Mangue Lait de Coco
Babybio Pomme d'Aquitaine Framboise
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90g each
Babybio Poire de Provence
Suitable for children of 4 months of age.
Jar of 130g
Babybio Pomme d'acquitaine Carotte
Babybio Brasse Framboise Banane
Babybio Brassé Mangue
Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 85g