
At around 6 months of age, babies can start eating yogurts and start discovering new textures and flavours. Baby yogurts can be given to babies for their afternoon snack. Most of baby yogurts can be stored outside the fridge and come in pouches which makes them easy to carry. Discover our selection of baby yogurts.

Showing all 18 results

Ella's Kitchen Greek Yogurt Berry 90G

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90gr

Ella's Kitchen Greek Yogurt Strawberry 90G

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90gr

Babybio Vanilla Semolina Cream

Babybio Crème Semoule Vanille

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 85g

Ella's Kitchen Greek Yogurt Mango 90G

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 90gr

Only Organic Mango Goji Berries & Greek Yoghurt Brekkie

Suitable for children of 12 months of age.
Weight: 100g

Only Organic Banana Berries & Yoghurt

Only Organic Banana, Berries & Yoghurt Brekkie is made from New Zealand organic whole milk yoghurt and delicious banana and berry...

Only Organic Banana Vanilla & Greek Yoghurt Brekkie

Suitable for children of 12 months of age.
Weight: 100g

Babybio Sweet Plain Yoghurt

Babybio Brassé Nature Sucré

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 85g

Nestle Yoghurt "Fromage Blanc" Style with Strawberries

Nestlé Fromage Blanc Fraise P'tit Brassé

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
4 pots of 100g each

Nestle Sweet Plain Yoghurt "Fromage Blanc" Style

Nestlé Fromage Blanc Nature Sucré P'tit Onctueux

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
4 pots of 100g each

Nestle Yoghurt "Fromage Blanc" Style with Peaches

Nestlé Fromage Blanc Pêche P'tit Onctueux

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
4 pots of 100g each

Nestle Yoghurt "Fromage Blanc" Style with Red Fruits

Nestlé Bébé P'tit Onctueux au Fromage Blanc Fruits Rouges

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
4 pots of 100g each

Babybio Raspberry Banana Yoghurt

Babybio Brasse Framboise Banane

Babybio Mango Yoghurt

Babybio Brassé Mangue

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
Weight: 85g

Nestle Semolina Milk Pudding

Nestle Semoule au lait P'tit Gourmand

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
4 pots of 100g each

Nestle Vanilla Pudding

Nestlé Dessert Vanille P'tit Gourmand

Suitable for children of 6 months of age.
4 pots of 100g each